This "Bathroom Sink In Bedroom Remodel" graphic has 20 dominated colors, which include Groundcover, Pancake Mix, Camel Hide, Band-Aid, Nick’s Nook, Palm Leaf, Mythical Blue, Astra, Glacier Blue, Wool Tweed, Poker Green, Lakeside Mist, Haint Blue, Cream and Butter, Yellow Emulsion, Evening Glow, Emerald Pool, Ivory, Bavarian Sweet Mustard, Powdered Cocoa. It makes so beautiful color combination inspired from this image.
Color | Hex | RGB | Name |
#606048 | rgb (96, 96, 72) | Groundcover | |
#d8c0a8 | rgb (216, 192, 168) | Pancake Mix | |
#c0a890 | rgb (192, 168, 144) | Camel Hide | |
#d8a878 | rgb (216, 168, 120) | Band-Aid | |
#909060 | rgb (144, 144, 96) | Nick’s Nook | |
#304830 | rgb (48, 72, 48) | Palm Leaf | |
#90a8a8 | rgb (144, 168, 168) | Mythical Blue | |
#f0d8a8 | rgb (240, 216, 168) | Astra | |
#a8c0c0 | rgb (168, 192, 192) | Glacier Blue | |
#907848 | rgb (144, 120, 72) | Wool Tweed | |
#306048 | rgb (48, 96, 72) | Poker Green | |
#d8f0f0 | rgb (216, 240, 240) | Lakeside Mist | |
#c0d8d8 | rgb (192, 216, 216) | Haint Blue | |
#fff0a8 | rgb (255, 240, 168) | Cream and Butter | |
#f0f0d8 | rgb (240, 240, 216) | Yellow Emulsion | |
#ffd890 | rgb (255, 216, 144) | Evening Glow | |
#186060 | rgb (24, 96, 96) | Emerald Pool | |
#fffff0 | rgb (255, 255, 240) | Ivory | |
#483018 | rgb (72, 48, 24) | Bavarian Sweet Mustard | |
#301800 | rgb (48, 24, 0) | Powdered Cocoa |